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Prettier 2.5: TypeScript 4.5 and MDX v2 comment syntax!

· 6 min read

This release adds support for TypeScript 4.5's new syntax and MDX v2 comment syntax!

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Avoid extra offset in arrow function body when using long types (#11515 by @kachkaev and @thorn0)

Starting with Prettier 2.3.0, type declarations in arrow functions could affect function body indentation. Changing the length of the type annotation could produce large diffs and thus increased the chance of git conflicts. To prevent this, function body offset was stabilized.
Note: This change may affect a large number of lines in your codebase.

// Input
const MyComponentWithLongName: React.VoidFunctionComponent<MyComponentWithLongNameProps> = ({ x, y }) => {
const a = useA();
return <div>{x + y + a}</div>;

// Prettier 2.2 and below
const MyComponentWithLongName: React.VoidFunctionComponent<MyComponentWithLongNameProps> = ({
}) => {
const a = useA();
return <div>{x + y + a}</div>;

// Prettier 2.4
const MyComponentWithLongName: React.VoidFunctionComponent<MyComponentWithLongNameProps> =
({ x, y }) => {
const a = useA();
return <div>{x + y + a}</div>;

// Prettier 2.5
const MyComponentWithLongName: React.VoidFunctionComponent<
> = ({ x, y }) => {
const a = useA();
return <div>{x + y + a}</div>;

Support TypeScript 4.5 (#11721, #11723, #11813 by @sosukesuzuki)

We’ve added support for TypeScript 4.5’s new syntax features:

type Modifiers on Import Names
// Example
import { type A } from "mod";

Private Field Presence Checks
// Example
class Foo {
method() {
return #prop1 in this;

Import Assertions
// Example
import obj from "./something.json" assert { type: "json" };

Handle .mts and .cts

Prettier will now format files with .mts and .cts extensions as TypeScript.


Collapse HTML class attributes onto one line (#11827 by @jlongster)

Reverts #7865.

While this was intended to be useful for users of CSS libraries like Tailwind that tend to result in large numbers of classes on elements, it became clear that our heuristics for where to split the class list on to multiple lines were unable to consistently produce good results. We’re still considering better ways to format HTML with lots of classes — consider discussing with us.

<!-- Input -->
class="SomeComponent__heading-row d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row justify-content-start justify-content-lg-between align-items-start align-items-lg-center"

<!-- Prettier 2.4 -->
flex-column flex-lg-row
justify-content-start justify-content-lg-between
align-items-start align-items-lg-center

<!-- Prettier 2.5 -->
class="SomeComponent__heading-row d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row justify-content-start justify-content-lg-between align-items-start align-items-lg-center"


Add support for MDX v2 comment syntax (#11563 by @wooorm)

This adds basic support for MDX v2 comment syntax (JavaScript-style comments) in addition to the existing support MDX v1 comment syntax (HTML-style comments).

Note: Prettier currently only supports the new comment syntax for single-line comments (so that {/* prettier-ignore */} can be used), and doesn’t support the rest of MDX v2.

{/*A comment*/}

Prettier 2.4:
{/_A comment_/}

Prettier 2.5:
{/*A comment*/}

Other Changes


Fix parentheses around sequence expression as body of arrow chain (#11593 by @bakkot)

The required parentheses around sequence expressions as the body of arrow functions are now preserved for chained arrows. Previously, Prettier removed them, which resulted in invalid syntax.

// Input
const f = () => () => (0, 1);

// Prettier 2.4
const f = () => () => 0, 1;

// Prettier 2.5
const f = () => () => (0, 1);

Ignore errors for sloppy mode syntax (#11750 by @fisker, #11778 by @sosukesuzuki)

JavaScript’s strict mode adds several useful errors to prevent mistakes. Some of these errors are syntax errors that occur at parse time. Since Prettier’s goal is to format all syntactically valid JavaScript code regardless of whether it will actually run, we’ve opted to leave this error checking to linters, compilers, and the runtime.

// Input
function foo() { var bar = 1; delete bar; }

// Prettier 2.4
SyntaxError: Deleting local variable in strict mode. (1:31)
> 1 | function foo() { var bar = 1; delete bar; }
| ^

// Prettier 2.5
function foo() {
var bar = 1;
delete bar;

Respect spacing for between expressions and parentheses in embedded CSS (#11800 by @sosukesuzuki)

// Input
const paragraph2 = css`
transform1: ${expr}(30px);
transform2: ${expr} (30px);

// Prettier 2.4
const paragraph2 = css`
transform1: ${expr} (30px);
transform2: ${expr} (30px);

// Prettier 2.5
const paragraph2 = css`
transform1: ${expr}(30px);
transform2: ${expr} (30px);

Support ES2022 class-private-fields-in syntax in espree parser (#11835 by @fisker)

// Example
class Foo {
static isC(obj) {
return #brand in Foo;


Remove unnecessary parentheses for decorators (#11717, #11849 by @sosukesuzuki)

// Input
class Test {
test1: string = "test"

test2: string = "test";

// Prettier 2.4
class Test {
test: string = "test"

test2: string = "test";

// Prettier 2.5
class Test {
test: string = "test"

test2: string = "test";


Improve @use with formatting (#11637 by @sosukesuzuki)

// Input
@use 'library' with (
$black: #222,
$border-radius: 0.1rem,
$font-family: 'Helvetica, sans-serif'

// Prettier 2.4
@use "library" with
($black: #222, $border-radius: 0.1rem, $font-family: "Helvetica, sans-serif");

// Prettier 2.5
@use 'library' with (
$black: #222,
$border-radius: 0.1rem,
$font-family: 'Helvetica, sans-serif'

Fix @forward with formatting error (#11683 by @sriramarul, @sosukesuzuki)

// Input
@forward 'foo.scss' with ($components: red);

// Prettier 2.4
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')

// Prettier 2.5
@forward "foo.scss" with (
$components: red

Ember / Handlebars

Uses the opposite quote type for quotes inside mustache statements in attributes (#11524 by @bmaehr)

{{!-- Input --}}
<div title="{{t 'login.username.description'}}" />

{{!-- Prettier 2.5 --}}
<div title="{{t 'login.username.description'}}" />

{{!-- Prettier 2.4 --}}
<div title="{{t "login.username.description"}}" />


Keep trailing commas for type parameters in embedded TSX (#11685 by @sosukesuzuki)

The trailing comma is necessary to prevent TypeScript from treating the <T> as the beginning of a JSX expression.

<!-- Input  -->
const test = <T,>(value: T) => {};

<!-- Prettier 2.4 -->
const test = <T>(value: T) => {};

<!-- Prettier 2.5 -->
const test = <T,>(value: T) => {};